The Couple Buster Spell
Usually it’s not a good thing to wish that something bad will happen to a couple. It’s better to think positive, to leave people to their own devices, to allow them to fulfill their destiny without interference.
But sometimes if a situation is critical, if things are so bad, it is imperative to take matters into your own hands. Sometimes you know without a doubt that you are right and you have been wronged, and you must do something to right that wrong.
The Couple-Buster curse is designed to do just that: create a split in a relationship so large that the two people will realize there is no hope, no future together, and it is time to go their separate ways.
If any or all of the following applies to a particular couple you know, then busting them up is not only the right thing to do, it is indeed your obligation to do so.
Do you feel that one of the people in this couple belongs to you and you alone? Have they made a serious mistake by choosing to be with this other person?
In this relationship, is the one you care for with a truly bad person? And is the one you want oblivious to their partner’s evil intentions?
Is this simply a wrong relationship that needs to be dissolved? And are you absolutely certain of it?
Is this partnership causing you grief beyond anything you’ve ever experienced previously? And you know your life will never be the same unless the two of you are back together again?
Is it your firm belief that they are not destined to be together and sooner or later they will split up anyway?
Should you decide to have a Couple-Busting spell cast in your behalf, negative vibrations could happen in this relationship as follows:
Dissension and uneasiness creeping in, bit by bit, in a relentless manner.
Arguments over the smallest matters, causing hard feelings and an underlying feeling of mistrust.
A general dissipation of happiness and lightheartedness, resulting in a noticeable lack of humor, friendship and companionship.
For the first time, discussion of dissolving their union and going their separate ways could begin to filter into their arguments.
Your image implanted in the mind of the person you care for, and they may begin to realize how much they miss you.
WARNING: This spell brings dissension and despair into an existing relationship that cannot be repaired. If you have any doubts about breaking them up, please refrain from ordering the Couple-Buster at this time.